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WP6: Dissemination

The best care


Regular newtworking with stakeholders and  Online and newletters particpiaions Communication of the porjct calls, achievements and results.  That will be measured by the numbr and contant of  request and submittion of attendance intersts.


Press and Media articles Reaching a specific targeted groups Events promotion (Conferences, seminars, workshops and other university-internal events).

Also, two seminars are scheduled:  (M14) and  (M22). The first one is targeting the international academic community by sharing the experience of PC universities in developing new science-intensive programs with the elements of Bologna process.


The objective of the second seminar is to present to new study and professional training programme, give the students and healthcare professionals better understanding of modern E-Health and stimulate their interest to innovative E-health based on knowledge traingle approach (Education, R&D  - Health care sector/Business) (local seminar for LE+ EG).

Issuing of the Project E-Bulletin and newletters.

Final dissemination event (M34) will be held at LU  to recapitulate on the results and experiences, explain the sustainability of the initiative and future plans and to promote the importance of the ongoing nature of the initiative and its utilization by the university community and healthcare sittings and IT, medical engineering enterprises.


Information on conference and other major outputs and events will be disseminated and advertised via mass media including regional and national press, radio and TV among all PC.


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